Moor Green Lakes Group
Reserve car park and closing time
click here.    
Annual bird reports can be found in the relevant chapter in the annual reports.
The Moor Green Lakes Group organises periodic surveys of wildlife on the reserve in order to monitor the flora and fauna on the reserve and assess impacts of habitat changes and reserve management. In 2012 a breeding bird survey of the reserve area (Colebrook and Grove lakes) was conducted, as a follow up to similar surveys in 2000 and 2006 Breeding Bird Report 2012 PDF
At the beginning of 2013 we had a rare visitor to the reserve, the Pallas's Warbler. Roger Murfitt has written a special report on this small bird that caused a lot of excitement for the bird enthusiasts visiting the reserve.
Monthly bird reports are no longer being written. The following is an archive of the monthly bird reports from 2006 to 2012 collated for each year. Note that not every month has a report.
The reports are worth reading to get an idea what might be typically seen in a particular month
Thanks to Bruce Archer for producing these reports