Moor Green Lakes Group

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Birds Species List - 1990 to 2022

Birds to see Bird recording Bird species list


This is best viewed on a big screen. A modern browser is required.

The tables below show bird species recorded for the whole Eversley GP complex since systematic recording began in 1990. The bird list can be viewed in several ways. Click on one of the View buttons to view the data. You can choose how the list is ordered and what data to show, but note, not every combination is supported.

Ordering: Taxonomic follows the class, order, family, genus, species order used by the British Trust for Ornithology; Name is A to Z on common name; Species Name is A to Z on species (latin) name.

Options: If Show all is ticked it will show all birds in the BOU list, including birds not seen at MGL. If Show Class/Order/Family is ticked it will show the Class/Order/Family details as bird records, this only applies to taxonomic ordering. If Reverse Order is ticked the Name or Species Name will be listed Z to A

View: Full Records shows bird sighting codes for all years starting 1990. Summary gives a brief 1 row per species view. Compare years allows you to compare upto 5 years. The list can be ordered. Compare birds allows you to compare upto 5 different species. The list is in order names are added. For Compare birds and Compare years, + adds an item, X clear last item.

For key click here. For summary click here.

Order Options View
Select year from the drop-down list, then click add. With years added (upto 5), click compare years.
No years added.
Similar to years above. Enter text in the text box to prefilter the drop-down list.
No birds added.


Bird Code Key

  • R - Resident
  • S - Summer Vistor
  • W - Winter Visitor
  • P - Passing Migrant
  • V - Recorded on 3 or less occasions in that year
  • B - Bred
  • B? - Probably Bred

Summary Code Key

  • RSW - Years as R S or W
  • PV - Years P or V
  • B - Years bred (including probably bred)
  • FS - Year first seen
  • LS - Year last seen

Taxonomic Code

  • Class - dark green
  • Order - mid green
  • Family - light green
  • Genus and species - light blue


The following additional species were recorded prior to 1990

  • Black-throated diver 1977
  • Kentish plover 1986
  • Willow tit 1985
  • Sabine's gull 1987
  • Ferruginous Duck 1985
  • Black-winged Stilt 2019

Taxonomic or scientific order is based on the British Trust for Ornithology, categories A-C. See here

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