Moor Green Lakes Group

Reserve car park and closing time  click here.    Group Visits please  click here.

Butterfly Recording

Butterflies Butterfly Recording Butterfly List


Butterfly recording by transect is carried out between April and September annually. Each week, subject to weather conditions, the same route is walked, and all butterflies seen within an imaginary five-metre box along that route are recorded. At the close of the season the records are sent off to be added to those from around the country. By this means the rise and fall of species and numbers is monitored.

In addition, from time to time other areas on the reserve not included in the regular transect are visited, and butterfly species and numbers noted.

Records of butterfly numbers have been kept since 2000, and the following charts show the Maximum Annual Count for each species recorded on the Reserve to 2013, and also the Maximum Monthly Counts for the last four years.

Fluctuations in numbers of individual species on the Reserve, with variations from season to season.

Note the enlarged numbers show the highest annual count for each species during 2000-2013

Annual Count


Maximum butterfly number per species recorded each month during 2013

Monthly Count 2013


Maximum butterfly number per species recorded each month during 2012

Monthly Count 2012


Maximum butterfly number per species recorded each month during 2011

Monthly Count 2011


Maximum butterfly number per species recorded each month during 2010

Monthly Count 2010

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