Moor Green Lakes Group Committee
Please Report any Health and Safety Issues on the Reserve to the Site Liaison Officer on 0118 9730199
Main Committee
- Chairman: Simon Weeks
- Secretary: Duncan Clark
- Treasurer: Steve Arnold
- Deputy Chairman: Peter Craig
- Annual Report Editor: Iain Oldcorn
- Bird Ringer: Colin Wilson
- Membership Secretary: Dave Bishop
- Newsletter Editors: Steve Arnold and Peter Craig
- Rangers: Stuart Croft and Matt Bennett (BVCP)
- Site Liaison Officer: Simon Weeks
- Web Master: Steve Arnold
Work Party Volunteer Leaders
- Work Party Organiser - Duncan Clark
- Jane Heritage
- Jon Needes
- Sarah Elston
- Assistant Bird Feeder: Kerry Davidson
- Bats and Other Records: Steve Bailey (BVCP)
- Beetles and Bugs Recorder: Open
- Bird Recorder: Robert Godden
- Bird Feeder: Christine Bartlett
- Bird Ringer: Colin Wilson
- Butterfly Recorder: Paul Richards
- Dragonfly Recorder: Alan Holmes
- Fungi Recorder: Open
- Mammal Recorder: Open
- Moth Recorder: Ally Williams
- Nest Box Monitor: Mary Thompson
- Plant Recorders: Steve Arnold and Jane Heritage
- Reptile Recorder: Mary Thompson
If you are knowledgable and willing to become a recorder please get in touch.