Moor Green Lakes Group

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Freshwater Invertebrates Recording

Invertebrates Invertebrate Recording Invertebrate List

Freshwater invertebrate recording is not an annual event. The first report on freshwater invertebrates appeared in our eighth annual report (2000), when we were fortunate to have the expert input of Dr. C. J Bennett. Our ninth annual report (2001) contains the results of a beetle and spider survey conducted by the widely respected entomologist Mr. R Merritt which included many freshwater invertebrates. Our eighth annual report (2000) also included relevant extracts of an invertebrate report commissioned through Bracknell Forest Borough Council and conducted by Mr. Matt Smith which also listed freshwater invertebrates found at Moor Green Lakes. Additional records are held by the dragonfly recorder who nets when ever a suitable opportunity presents itself. The site has both still and running water habitats which have their own specialist invertebrate communities.

Early in June 2006 Des Sussex, Tim Mockridge and Ken Crick netted in all six scrapes on Long Island.

Many of the invertebrates listed as present at Moor Green Lakes or close family members, can be found in one of two currently available pocket guides:

  • Oxford Natural History, Small Freshwater Creatures Lars-Henrik Olsen Jakob Sunesen and Bente Vita Pedersen.
  • Collins Guide, Freshwater Life Britain and Northern Europe Malcolm Greenhalgh and Denys Ovenden.

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